Thursday 12 August 2010

Pearl & The Puppets

I have discovered a new band which I quite like called Pearl & The Puppets. They have an Indie pop feel about them and overall they are quite cute.

Here is their video for make me smile which is a fun upbeat song which reminds me alot of summer!

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Your ma ain't crazy. She's just broken-hearted


Yesterday at ASDA they had an offer on Disney DVDs but normally they only have a selection well i found my favourite Disney Classic 'Dumbo' and 'Aladdin' for £10 and just had to buy them as they were normally at least double that in HMV and other places.

So last night I watched Dumbo and tonight I will watch Aladdin. So I thought that I should do a little 'review' type thing on Dumbo then Aladdin tomorrow.

Dumbo is such a beautiful and heart breaking film. I remember the gist of Dumbo from watching it when I was much younger but when you re watch it and understand everything its much more poignant and the film left me a blubbering mess.

I forgot how old the film was and therefore was surprised at the old fashion artwork used for the titles.

Here are my favourite scenes (Or saddest) :

The arrival of Dumbo
I loved this scene because Dumbo looks so cute and the motherly love you get from Mrs Jumbo is obviously very strong. It broke my heart to see the 'mature' lady elephants laughing at Dumbo's ears but him being entirely unfazed by it but Mrs Jumbo sees right through it and puts them right!

Mrs Jumbo giving Dumbo a bath
This scene isn't too sad or really that meaningful in line with the plot but its so lovely so I just had to screen cap a bit of it because of the bond between Mrs Jumbo and Dumbo. I love how worried Mrs Jumbo is when Dumbo trips over his ears!

Making fun of Dumbo
This scene is so ridiculously heartbreaking that it's not even fair! Dumbo at first mistakes the attentions for good attention then he starts wiggling his ears and trying to get them to like him, then they start bullying him and pushing him about. Poor Dumbo. I thinks its really intresting that Mrs Jumbo's eyes go red making her look so fiercely protective over Dumbo.

Sad & lonely Dumbo
This is just as sad as the last scene, with Dumbo on his own just swaying and crying and the female elephants being so callous about him. So sad that they're all are worried about how they look to the crowd etc and they can't take care of a poor baby elephant. Then when Dumbo tries to join them they 'pretend they can't see him' But then in comes Timothy the mouse!

So I will do the next half tomorrow! I think this movies is extremely underrated and more people need to see it, it really highlights bullying.


I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but after viewing a few I found it a way to keep all my thoughts together like an online diary....that everyone can see, doesn't really matter I don't have many thoughts. I wanted to post things like inspiration, movies and music I like along with other things.

A little bit about me...

My names Emma and I'm from England. I'm still fairly young and learning about the world and I want to travel and meet loads of people. I'm a completely crazy Disney lover and some say it must be because I never grew up and I kinda like that thought!

I love fashion and I'm a complete shopaholic who's practically broke so it doesn't bode well. I also love photography and love doing it myself but again I'm still learning.

I'm very passionate about things and people can upset me very easily, if there is one thing I hate most in the world its bullies.

There that's a little bit about me, I understand right now that I am only talking to myself but that's fine with me!