Wednesday 11 August 2010


I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but after viewing a few I found it a way to keep all my thoughts together like an online diary....that everyone can see, doesn't really matter I don't have many thoughts. I wanted to post things like inspiration, movies and music I like along with other things.

A little bit about me...

My names Emma and I'm from England. I'm still fairly young and learning about the world and I want to travel and meet loads of people. I'm a completely crazy Disney lover and some say it must be because I never grew up and I kinda like that thought!

I love fashion and I'm a complete shopaholic who's practically broke so it doesn't bode well. I also love photography and love doing it myself but again I'm still learning.

I'm very passionate about things and people can upset me very easily, if there is one thing I hate most in the world its bullies.

There that's a little bit about me, I understand right now that I am only talking to myself but that's fine with me!

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